Project Title
Structural Investigation Unit 5 Town home Complex
Real Estate Unlimited, LLC
Anchorage AK 99511
Project Scope
Perform a structural investigation of two story wood framed 5 unit town home foundation to address owners concerns about the sloping floors.
Project Details
- Investigated the first and second floor of the structure to determine the load path to the foundation.
- Investigated the crawl space to determine the potential causes of the first floor deflections.
- The top photo shows an under sized and deflecting floor support beam. The unblocked floor joist are twisting and or tipping to the side. There are improper post to column and post to footing connections
- The middle photo shows improper support post connection, under sized beam bearing area, squashing of the beam ends and the start of beam dry rot.
- In the bottom photo there is improper placement of the post on the footing. Improper connection of the post to the footing and an undersized footing for the load being applied to the footing.
- TE&D provided the client with recommendations for repair.